Craftbeer City Tour Eindhoven

€ 16,00

Surf the best craft beers & snacks

Craftbeer City Tour Eindhoven

Visit Europe's high-tech city, enjoy Eindhoven's best craft beers and learn all about the city's rich history.

€ 20,00

Brewery het Veem

At the head of the wide Torenallee of the up-and-coming district of Strijp-S. Tasting room, brewery and beer shop in industrial heritage. Long tap, numerous beers in bottle.

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Van Moll Craft Beer

Was the first Eindhoven brewer for 50 years. Quirky classics with its own Spotify beer playlist. Organises the famous Van Moll Fest every year in high summer.

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Brewery 100 Watt

Young city brewery from the City of Light but already great reputation. Lovely pub with sunny terrace on the Dommel in the heart of Eindhoven. Win awards time and again with their beers.

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Pleasantly organised special beer festival among elephants and giraffes. Walking with a beer in hand and swinging back by safari boat.

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Brewery Brouwersnös

Young city brewery of Groenlo. Founded by descendants of Grolsch, which had left the town after almost four centuries. Yeast open and triple.

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Black velvet lava cake

Ultimate dessert and choco snack. Magic surprise for those looking for love. Crispy on the outside, smooth on the inside. Cutting is flowing. Perfect partner for a 'kriek'.

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Spicy prawns

The ideal snack on a summer afternoon under bright sunshine. Surrounded by friends, chilling, laughing, and chatting, plans for the next holiday. These spicy prawns continue to surprise and amaze, time and again.

Beerze Triple with Moroccan snacks

Dare to combine: Beerze Bold Trip met comfort food voor een Marokkaanse twist: kipgehaktballetjes. Dip yoghurt maakt ze heerlijk sappig en mals. Paprika, komijn en gember geeft ze pit. Munt en geroosterde pijnboompitten maken het af.

Moersleutel Motoroil with deviled eggs

Wow, what a perfect pairing: Moersleutel's Stout with quick, sloppy stuffed eggs. Beautiful combination of soft egg yolks with the creaminess of a tangy blue cheese like Gorgonzola. Heavy yet soft on the tongue. Guarantee for an hour of delicious enjoyment.

Craft beer festival

Craft beer festivals are many. The concept is simple, the atmosphere quickly created. Find a good location: small market square, green park, old waterfront quay. Wooden folding chairs, tables with lights, tarps of tarpaulin against sun and rain. Food trucks full of snacks. Success!

Genuine craft beer pubs​

All pubs tap beer and nowadays have a beer list with speciality beers. For true craft beer pubs, you have to look hard. Dozens, sometimes hundreds, of beers on the menu. Free choice from befriended brewers nearby and the best beers from far away.

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