Strong Porters
For adventurers and flavour lovers
Stel je de oude Porter voor die probeert wijs te worden uit zijn bewogen leven dat hem over de hele wereld heeft gevoerd. Het enige dat overblijft is zijn koffer vol herinneringen en de smaken van de Porters die hij in zijn leven heeft geproefd. Dat waren nog eens tijden. Hij werkte in India, Frankrijk en met zijn jongens in Londen in één en hetzelfde jaar.
Porters have disappeared from most stations, although you can still find many of them in hotels, at Indian Railways stations, or serving as sherpas on the mountains of Nepal. If you meet one, greet him with respect and friendliness. They are truly a special breed of people!
The origins of Porter beers date back to early 18th century London. The beer to keep the the hard-working porters going. Debate on whether Porters were the result of the increasing darkening of ales or blending different styles of beer. May be both. First beer to travel around the world. Mother of Stout, the strongest of porters and Porters.
Here are three of the best. Koudvuur by Bax Bier in Groningen. Smoked Porter, 6,5%, award winning. Drinks smoothly, slightly bitter, hints of laurel liquorice and coffee. Is That Spelt Ryeght?, imperial porter, firm 10%, brewery Jopen, Haarlem. Brewed with both spelt and rye malts. Light fruitness combined with chcolate, coffee and dates. Smoked Porter of Viven Brewery, Damme, excellent companion, 7%. Subtle roased malt notes, velvet chocolate taste, mocha and turg.