Beer festival Goes Europe

Genieten van craftbieren op zonovergoten markten

Craft beer festival on the markets around Goes' churches. Part of the Goes Europe Year in 2022. Four days long. Music from classical to pop. Brewers from the Netherlands, Portugal, Finland, Spain, Germany, France and Italy. White Pony, 't Gansje, Naeckte Brouwers, Vanhonsebrouck, Frontaal, Paljas, de Werf and many more.

Durable tasting glass with logo. Jens van Stee of Brouwerij Slot Oostende brewed two special beers for this festival: Black Betty IPA and Porter of Europe. A smoky, dark Imperial IPA and a smooth porter with flavours of caramel and butterscotch.

Goes, beautiful Zeeland city from the Middle Ages. Imposing Maria Magdalena church from 1423 in the city centre. Beautiful city harbour. Many cultural and musical events. Breweries from the 15th century onwards that existed for hundreds of years. Now home to Emelisse beers and brewery 't Gansje.e eeuw die honderden jaren hebben bestaan. Nu thuisbasis van Emelisse bieren en brouwerij ’t Gansje.
