Van Moll Craft Beer

Quirky musical beer from Eindhoven

In 2013, Van Moll Craft Beer opened the doors to its ‘brewpub’, a brand-new brewery with a tasting room. For the first time in 50 years, Eindhoven had its own brewery again. Initially offering only draught beer, less than a year later, they expanded to ‘bottle’ sales. Now, they brew alongside their colleagues from 100 Watt and Stadsbrouwer 013 in a new brewery with an online shop, Lighttown Brewers.

Distinctive brewers. Bold, colourful, and a bit different. Love to experiment, but not to excess. Deliver a stunning range of beers. Each beer features a sleek, modern design and has its own Spotify playlist. Because drinking beer is about more than just flavour; it’s also about the experience beyond the glass. As they put it: ‘Van Moll boosts your beer experience.’

Celebrated core range includes suggestive names like Wanderlust, a non-alcoholic IPA; Doerak, a bitter and fruity IPA; Langharig Tuig, a hoppy Weizen in tropical packaging; and the Triple Trouble tripel, full of hop character with body and elderflower for a delightful touch. Generally modest in alcohol content, except for the Wodan, an Imperial Weizen at 9.5%. Additionally, they have a rich history of timed and seasonal beers aged in casks.

Van Moll is now well-known far and wide for a tradition they started in 2015 and which continues to attract thousands of visitors each year: the famous Van Moll Fest. This two-day beer festival features over 30 brewers, taking place in early July during the height of summer, at beautiful locations with plenty of food and music, always sold out and guaranteed fun.

From Centraal station Eindhoven, walk down the Nieuwstraat to the Markt and through the Hooghuisstraat to Keizersgracht, turn left there and across the street you'll see the Van Moll Bar.

Craftbeer brewers